Sunday, May 01, 2016

Spiralizers and sycophants

I want the sycophants of Filey to like my neat spirals of butternut squash and carrot and courgettes as this family tries to enter the world of PC eating.

Don't believe that at all ! 
Ive bought one and I've tried it . Yes, it is very easy to use, every teacher , parent and child can use one because its just a giant pencil sharpener for softer things than wood and graphite, with a lethal Japanese blade and instructions to take care. Thankfully the one I bought cost less than £10 and might just come in useful for summer salads. Butternut squash masquerading as Pasta , I think not !

How easy it is for us all to jump on  bandwagons . I saw Mary Berry using a spiralizer  on TV so thought if she , sensible family  woman found it useful , so would I . She probably received a free one if she used in on TV, and anyway she is always cooking up feasts for her large family and acquaintances and seems to have plenty of housekeeping money and good health  considering how much butter, sugar and best steak and fish she uses. In contrast , I am cooking for one spouse every day , friends some days , and a family at occasional weekends . I have to avoid sugar, fat , limit purines (all meats),  bread and nuts , and all processed food all the time . Those are the base lines. It would take a team of Mary Berrys to cook up delicious meals every day , on a budget, with my parameters set by Filey Surgery .

Yesterday we had a curries  of Dahl and Hard boiled eggs , (Chicken type) Quorn Madras  and rice with plenty of Pataks Brinjal pickle for me. Spinach and rice  pie has become a staple. I am wonderful at transforming a tin of Red Beans into a chilli, and making thick soups to fill us up .Ive lost count of the times I've boiled up stalks and parings , odd bits from the allotment and made vegetable stock . Even then I need ginger or curry leaves to make a variation as a base for soups. I cant imagine life without tomato puree and onions .Oh! for Fish and Chips, olive oil, and pizza. Thank God I'm not having to cope with cooking for someone with IBS as well as my already narrow ingredient list. Thankfully we live in the 1st world,where we lack no good thing. 
Its just that I stupidly thought buying a spiralizer would widen up our choices . 

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