Sunday, January 16, 2011

Twitter and the Bishop of Hull

I was pleased that our 'Envoy' (our Filey Parish magazine) editor M had asked me to give her half a page about Bishop Richard and Twitter. I did the picture above, sent it to her and went out to the Third Sunday Service , our  ecumenical Praise Service at the Salvation Army Hall. 
As I was sitting there Our God reignsAnd can it be, Come on and celebrate etc I was really thinking about the picture I had hurriedly sent to M. So I said to spouse an the way home 'I bet there's a message on the answer machine when we get home , and M doesn't want the article she asked for.'  We got home and I was right. We both had not thought it through. No one uses Twitter in Filey Parish, only me and those at uni. Infact the Hull Daily Mail made much of Bishop Richard on Twitter. BUT he has not done any more than a few tweets, has not followed anyone much, and not even managed his avatar yet. It is still that egg thing.
Once again I have rushed on before Gods Plan I think.

1 comment:

  1. This is a funny story. It's so easy to think that everyone is on Twiter, Facebook, blogs and uses a Blackberry to monitor things every second.
