Sunday, May 29, 2011

Poster been and gone

You might have seen a Poster for the Family Fun Day  in our Parish of Filey appear on this blog this morning. I have deleted it because it was on my wrong blog. I am also a Webmistress of our Filey Parish Blog, and you don't know how much pleasure it gave me to write that clause. I posted  the poster advert too quickly in between breakfast and trying to tune in Radio York on the PC so that Colin could hear the Filey Bit this morning. 
On my profile it looks as if I run over a dozen blogs.  
  • This is not really true, as I am in a team for 6 of them. Our Parish website , called Filey Parish Blog is run as a series of blogs which operate as a whole.  When the the Website Team first got together in 2008 we prayed , drank coffee , and took the advice of Simon Rudiger  and Pete Finch for many weeks, until the Holy Spirit led us into what you see now. Simon has moved on to a high powered job for the URC and now lives  in Aylesbury , Pete is a busy Maths teacher. Now only Brian , Rachel and I do posts regularly.  Pam,  Ben ,Bobby and Pete occasionally blog  but we are still a team altogether .Anyone in the Parish who would like to join us  my have 'permissions' The blog is much as it was and deemed fit for purpose. BUT We  are ready to evolve and grow.
  •  From Kiaora is just my contribution to the recording of the History of Filey,  all my pictures are to be as large files  to our Filey Archivist  Eric Pinder.   In years to come the development of the site next to my home , Kiaora, will be accessible for future generations, hopefully.
  • Samson  is a series of letters written home to his master by our lodger Samson
  • My  other blogs are just places to leave photos other than Picasa and Flickr
  • This blog is my main one because it is my place to be just myself. 

I dont really have too many hats, I just sometimes forget which one I am supposed to have on.

So I have done what we are never to do on the Parish Blog -remove a post. You will be surprised by my reasons. I just dont as myself do Fundraising in Church.   I have chosen never to gamble , so don't do raffles, Tombolas and the like. I don't stand  behind stalls selling stuff. I have what the rest of the Parish might call Peculiar Ideas

I will explain. I think that if people tithed their income there would be no need for fundraising in the C Of E. AND  no one would moan about the Parish Quotas. 

An aside Mary our vicar has just preached her best sermon ever. I feel a rant about Superstition coming on next

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mark all as read

For two years now I have been enjoying  the blogs of others.  I store the posts in  Google Reader, which is just  another service offered by Google. I just subscribe to the posts of others by copying their urls  and pasting them into the  dialogue box .  What is more , when people have deleted blogs I still have them!!
Every couple of months I do a radical prune and unsubscribe from  all but the ones I  really really love. After all I now can just  find them easily enough on the blogrolls of those left behind. More so than that , Tweetdeck for Twitter gives instant access by the links people put to their latest blogs . So I no longer subscribe to The ChurchMouse for example or Cranmer , to name a few , as I can see on Twitter if they have done a post that  sounds interesting and go straight to it.

I dont have an iphone. I have given enough hints to my progeny. I am happy to have their cast offs. So for the time being my little networking system is fine for me. The Mac is usually on in the  upstairs sitting room , and the PC in the  main one next to the kitchen. I don't sit here all day, tempting tho it might be. I just flit in and out and have a quick look. Whilst others have tea breaks I have Twitter breaks . At this moment spouse is watching the  Chelsea FS. We have had dinner, Samson is asleep on the floor,  and I am across the room from both of them next to the window. I can see anyone coming to the back door through the Venetian blinds, but they cant see me. Sometimes when C comes home from work I feel guilty that he might think Ive been sitting here all day, when Ive actually been gardening  most of the day, cooked dinner from scratch with no tins or jars, been shopping twice and  done the Times 2 Crossword. Cleaning doesn't really feature in my day . Thats why I really value Visitors for meals by appointment , as I have to get the Dyson out and maybe even the Liquid Gold.

I am just going to have another prune and subscribe to some new blogs. I just love going through the Blogrolls of others and seeing whats around. 

So here is my latest list of new finds

And an old Favourite Yorkshire Coast

At  present I enjoy short posts as its Summer and I have lots to do being a Fileygardener  .

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A bit of a blogger

On this very day 5years ago the Blogger Platform befriended me. It took me another 2 years before I managed pictures.  It took me longer to do scheduled posts . It took me until 2008 before I started to get followers and comments. Next came Linkwithin. I really like that, and got the idea from Revd Lesley  's blog.  I was on a plateau for a while and then I thought I would have a go at blogfeed. I got the idea from the VC.  I then made  a giant leap . I changed the name from Bridteacher to Fileygardener. After all, I have been a homegirl  in doors with Come Dine With me and the cat for 3 years now. Bridteacher gives the idea I can get more Windsmoor and afford Protect and Perfect for wrinkles,  and lots of holidays. 

I have  changed headers a few times. This above  is my favourite. I loved the ridge and furrow on the Country Park  this December past. When the Spring came  I had a crisis. I didn't want it to be always Christmas and never Summer. I tried and tried , but there is just no way I am Annie Leibovitz . None of these work. I will wait for some flash of inspiration . You are left with a Temporary Measure.

I have started tags.  I have no idea what they are for but other bloggers seem to use them. I don't want to be left behind in the technological rush to cyber nirvana.
I wonder if I'm brave enough to dip my toes in the the WordPress pond. Or shall I do a St Aiden to Abbey Manor, though that is much missed. I'm not inviting comments really , these are all rhetorical questions. My sister in Congleton will tell me when she's had enough, and my Aged Parent is dining out on what she knows about her daughters website thing, especially when it mentions her and Beverley Minster. Spouse has learned to scroll down and use the arrow keys. Daughter no 1 keep saying there's a blog Mum in there somewhere and she and her father will do meaningful glances. Daughter no 2 says I can do what I like, but no way can I talk about her and her family. She has not forgiven me for the Bodens one. No I son only reads the cats blog.

Happy  5th Anniversary to me. I see that today is what I was taught to call Empire Day, but that's gone ,as not PC , except my small one , but note with some relish that as Commonwealth Day which replaced it ,this years theme is
2011-Women as agents of Change

Monday, May 23, 2011

Organised Chaos

Thriving gold medal  hopefuls 
Organised Chaos-Well that's how  a visitor described our garden last year. We are watching that awful man again . How he spoils the Chelsea Flower Show for me. I would rather have Christine with her jumper bought over 20years ago in M and S.  And how do I know that?  My spouse has the same one, and its still in the drawer, he too just loves it.  Carol Klein has another fascinating coat and rhododendrons are in again. I hope they are not going to do any silly banter like  last year. If Tony Buckland had been left to his own devices  on Gardening World I'm sure we would have taken him more to our green hearts. What he actually says makes good sense.

Back to the SHOW , our Chaos would never win a  even a tin medal unless the attainment criteria were altered. I think there ought to be a new reality show on BBC  called My Garden, where people talk about their back gardens in Middlesborough and Canvey Island, Slough and Iona. It would not lessen the attraction of the RHS Chelsea  as seen by the  Beeb.

I lose sense of all time when Im gardening. C and I sit with cups of tea and The Times in the greenhouse , and call it gardening.  When he's at work I have more freedom. I can be ruthless as long as I hide the ruthless at the bottom of the brown Bin .  
We have a mediterranean  room in our garden , a vegetable garden  , a woodland garden, a national collection in waiting, a  sort of alpine garden , a lawn containing interesting species , and a gravel garden. Its amazing how it all fits in to a space 45'by 20'.

It is also a place of miracles. My sister has given me  Tropaeolum speciosum at least 4 times and I have never got it to grow higher than 7" and then die. So Susan look at this-the little green dot on the left. I have removed it to the antichamber of the greenhouse. I am going to talk lovingly to it and plant it in a more perfect spot.

Next year you could take your inspiration from the A614 Driffield By -Pass

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yggdrasil Day

My Ash on the road to Rudston

Loyal followers will know by now that the road from Filey to Beverley and back is my favourite . 
I know every tree and shrub. I did know every pothole. Like Archdruid Eileen and her tealit family late of Husbourne Crawley and now back again without seeming to have gone anywhere I am totally dedicated to the seasons and equinoxes and wild plants in between. I know why the Ash Tree is the number one tree of the Norsemen and Norsewomen. 

*It is nothing at all to do with London Plane Trees. 

It is nothing at all to do with lay lines to Rudston
 or lack of snow on Holmenkollen in May.

The Ash tree is definitely the very last tree to come into bud on the Yorkshire Wolds . It is also the first tree to start turning yellow in the Autumn. This makes it totally noteworthy. 

The roads from Kilham to Rudston and from Burton Fleming to Kilham are lined frequently with Ash Trees. I look forward to seeing them every week on my trips to Beverley to take aged parent to HC at Beverley Minster . I know that Ash is the very best wood for burning too. So I know what to do if I survive past October 21st. 

 The Yggdrasil  of the Rudston Road may or may not have pictures of its cousins in the Oslo Radhus but it is on a pre-viking road within spitting distance of the site of a Roman Villa .

One thing that  would never have been on the Kilham Road in the Ist Century AD would have been a row of Potatoes. These were calling to the skies 'Please ! rain ', not nearly as much as the wail from the field  south of Kilham the rows there  were calling 'Please! Please !Please !Rain'.

* My Aged Parent has not believed me until today . I told her that the reason the bark of the trees outside her front door looked as if it was peeling was a design feature, and that the trees were London Plane Trees DEFINITELY. She only believed me today as the flowers and leaves are identifiable .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hull Blitz-a city on the east Coast

Aunty Alice had to wear this homemade ID tag all during the 1939-45 war in case her body had to be identified.

Brown paper strips were still stuck to the pantry window even in 1986 when she died and the house was sold. 
An incendiary bomb did once land on the huge communal front lawn *and so as all the glass in the house was shattered and  had to be repaired, the family- Grandpa , Grandma, unable to walk  since 1930, Aunty Alice , spinster of the Parish , housekeeper, carer, cook and chief bottle washer,  were all evacuated to Market Weighton to the vicarage to sit out the war, but they did  return after a few months to Sutton.  My father worked for Hull Corporation Telephones and spent the war fire watching in Sutton at night having worked all day cycling round the docks doing telecommunication type things and hoping not to set off unexploded bombs  with the vibration of the bike. The air raid shelter was a reinforced dining room , as grandma was not mobile. My whole early years were coloured by stories of the war in Hull, and more especially its effect on a household.It was always drummed in to me that Hull was only ever called 'a city on the East Coast' and that a wider world just had no idea of the devastation.


Have looked at these 2 sites and cannot verify the heresay from my Aunt, (who died 1986) Will talk to aged parent (91) tomorrow and see if she knows where the bomb dropped. She is all there and half way back and will remember what she was told. She , born in Birkenhead , spent most  of her war in the WAAF in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire and married my father in 1946.


Mother said that there was a bomb and bomb blast. The family of Grandma, Grandpa and Aunty Alice did indeed go to Market Weighton for over a year. Father remained at Church Mount,and the maid was kept on to keep the house  clean and presumably do laundry . She did not live in , but came in every day. Father was in charge of the Sutton Telephone Exchange(corner of Holderness Road and Mayberry Ave). In the evenings he had to Fire Watch at the docks, and keep the telecommunications going on Ships.


Monday, May 09, 2011

Tell me sister

Dear Sister  Susan
As my first follower,  and chief critic-What do you think? Winter has left FileyNarnia and the Wolds Way in Summer has replaced it-do you like it?
With love from your older sister

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Food for Free for the End Times

Last weeks post has got me thinking, rather  Doomwatch Moments. I have been thinking about what would happen to me as the food provider in this Filey Establishment known as home if I couldnt buy anything because I refused to take a microchip inplant whose Code reader included the numbers 666. Just letting my imagination run of course. So I am stocking up on bags of dried beans in my mind. I am getting water from the springs in the Ravine, and boiling it on the Morso Squirrell, which I will have fuelled with all the wood I find in skips in Arthurs Asphalt. I am re-reading , just as part of my End Time plans you understand, my well loved copy of Richard Mabeys innovative book Food For Free, which I bought in 1973. 

So for lunch today , with the Chicken and Leeks  and new potatoes I  treated us to some delicious Chickweed greens. They tasted just like spinach. We always have a good crop around the oleander in the greenhouse. It steamed up a treat,  served up with some bacon: tastes like spinach, would have been better picked last week , as stems a bit chewy

I am on a roll now. I am going to try the stems of Alexanders, and thanks to tonights edition of Countryfile think Japanese Knotweed Rhubarb substitute could be interesting.
I am going to try a row of Good King Henry now.  I have ordered a packet from Chiltern Seeds. I just love the linnean Chenopodium bonus -henricus. That has to be the best name for any plant. It beats my other favourite Capsella bursa-pastoris, and I leave it to you to remember your Latin lessons.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Apocalypse 21st May 2011

Menorah in Jerusalem -for New Temple

Fundamentalist Christians have been predicting dates for End Time Happenings for years. Matthew Skinner wrote of this recently in the HuffpostThe latest expected date for  the Rapture is 21st May 2011.

Now this Fileygardener has just planted 3 rows of Rhubarb Chard and I just don't trust anyone to water them if I am here one moment and gone the next. 

Ever since I first heard about 'The Rapture' when I was a baby Christian it has fascinated me. I still love the Bart Simpson take on it.
Sermons on Eschatology are rare in St Oswalds Filey.  In fact I have never heard one . I really annoyed my family in the 1980s by refusing to buy any products by P.............and G..........., and spouting forth about the Glass Pyramid at the Louvre and giving all my friends copies of books like 'This Present Darkness' by Frank Peretti, which was doing the rounds in 1987  and the best selling book
 in the Dorking Christian Bookshop. Its not about End Times, but about Angels and Demons and is a great read.  

Until Brian in our housegroup started on the Wendy Alec novels that is. My husband insisted that I would like them, he has read them all first. So I tried the first one of the Chronicles of Brothers-The Fall of Lucifer. It tells the story of brothers Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer. The descriptions of Heaven and the other wordly dimensions are purely speculative of course, with Bible bits fitted in, like the Fall. In fact running through my head is that verse(Rev 22v 18) about adding to the Revelation. Nevertheless I stuck with this book to please Colin. 
Second book 'Messiah-The first Judgement' is much better, as it tells the whole story of Jesus from another point of view, that from the Angels and Demons. I stuck with it.
The Third one The Son of Perdition is by far the best.Brian reviewed it on the Parish Blog, as he did the other two here and  here.

So like Brian , I could not put Son Of Perdition down. The Anti -Christ is cloned from Satan and from Prime Minister Of England he rises to creator of a New World Order, hinting now at the next book where marks of the beast will be implanted for buying and selling . The Ark of the Covenant is discovered and traded to Israel for the Temple Mount where the new 3rd Temple awaits the Messiah or the Abomination of Desolation of the Antichrist. This book  knocks spots off The Da Vinci Code. 

So all this Osama Bin Ladin stuff on TV at the moment and the droughts, famines, earthquakes, Flu pandemics and the proposed abolition of Cheques, what with Nuclear fuel seepage  following the tsunami all add up in my book to END TIMES.  Our Housegroup has been talking about it, we are all joking about being raptured, and what happens to the Pets, (yes !you can buy into a Scheme to re house them in event  of Owner  Rapture!). Underneath it all we are quite serious that the End times of Revelation are seeming near and probable. 
We have all decided to Trust God and not worry about it, we are seeking Repentance, trying to be more loving with the help of God, and to pray like mad for our neighbours.

Wendy Alecs Books are FICTION. The Bible is FACT and inspired. Homer  Simpson is right most of the time. Not all Jesuits are on the wrong side. Its all right to buy Fairy Liquid .

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
Mark 13v32

Addendum Thurs 5th May
Have been trying to remember the author of the book which astounded me in the 1970s and 80's.
It was Hal Lindsey's Late Great Planet Earth. I prayed that I would remember it if it was important, I did so it must be.