Went to Christchurch Bridlington tonight to their weekly impartation meeting. It is such a shame to get an impression of what is going on in Florida and thence the UK from looking at the Dudley website. Christchurch have got it just right, and even the excellent teaching from Todd Bentley, mostly about Jehovah-Ropheka, was sound only, the worship was as good as it always is in Christchurch, and the ministry ordered and Biblical. No one asked for money, and Chris did a great sign off at the end. I have been keen on re- visiting the hebrew 'Names of God'as my prayer card is too small to read, and had just downloaded some from a website 'Character building for Families', which has 625 names for God.
The evening ended beautifully as when I got home and realised I had missed the First night of the Proms, but thanks to BBC iplayer have just heard the sublime 'Four Last songs ' by Strauss and know that all good things come from God.